

Workshop: PanOptiC View on Global Optimization


Date: March 9 and 10, 2023
Location: University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611

The University of Florida invites colleagues and friends to a workshop in honor of Dr. Panos Pardalos. The workshop topics include theory, algorithms, and applications of global optimization. The application areas include but are not limited to energy, healthcare, medicine, and supply chain management.

This workshop will promote collaborations among scholars in global optimization. We invite participants and submissions from academia, industry, and the public sector. Submissions will be evaluated by a designated scientific committee. The workshop will be offered in a hybrid mode.

The program is now available!

Abstract Submission

All participants interested in giving a talk or poster presentation at PanOptiC 2023 should submit an abstract through Easy Chair at this link. Poster presentations are for graduate student participants. Please include “Poster” in the title for the poster abstract submissions. The poster awards will be announced on March 10. All questions about submissions could be emailed to Dr. Alexander Semenov at


Graduate students are encouraged to participate in the PanOptiC poster competition. The poster topic should be closely related to the theory, algorithms, and applications of global optimization. The organizing committee will select the PanOptiC best poster (1st place) and an honorable mention (2nd place). The poster competition will be held on March 9 and the awards will be announced by the close of the conference. Poster size should be 30″ x 40″.  

Special Issues

Special issues of the Journal of Global Optimization, Optimization Letters, and Computational Optimization and Applications will be edited for the selected papers from this workshop.

Important Dates

Abstract submission January 15, 2023
Notification of acceptance January 25, 2023
Payment of the registration fee January 31, 2023
Preliminary program February 15, 2023
Workshop dates March 9-10, 2023