Room # 282

Reitz Union

686 Museum Road,

University of Florida,

Gainesville, FL  - 32611


Registration can be done online. Since conference space is limited, we must receive registration form of your intent to participate and/or attend the conference by April 1st, 2011 in order to reserve adequate space.

Registration Fee

Registration fee is $400 if registered before April 1st, 2011. It would be $500 thereafter. The fee covers conference participation, conference materials, coffee breaks and a conference dinner.

Payments should be made via check or money order only, payable to the "University of Florida Research Foundation".  All checks should be in US dollars.  Payments can also be made the first morning of the conference or by mail. 

To pay by mail, send registration fee to:

Panos M. Pardalos
Distinguished Professor and Co-Director, Center for Applied Optimization
Industrial and Systems Engineering Department
303 Weil Hall, University of Florida
PO Box 116595
Gainesville, FL 32611-6595

Systems and Optimization Aspects of 
Smart Grid Challenges
April 28-30 2011